Watching Labour leader Jacinda Ardern speak, in Dunedin on yesterday, was like fireworks at New Years.
An astute and erudite future Prime Minister, Jacinda doesn't waver in her passion and is "relentlessly positive" even when discussing thorny topics.
The diverse audience, hundreds waiting outside (Hunter Centre was chocka), joyously clapped when she spoke optimistically about solving horrible problems.
Jacinda laughed about Annette King's attendence on her campaign trail, saying that she was like an aunty, but Annette said, jokingly, that she felt like the Queen Mother.
This is something to this.
I struck me several times, during my wait for the address, that there was a feeling in the air akin to a royal visit.
Nobody can ignore how attractive and lovely Jacinda is. This is part of her, just another piece, but it is definitely a large aspect if her appeal.
It isn't only her winning smile or her glorious dark hair, it is that thing they called aura. She ouzes authenticity and fun. Her teeth are her tiara.
I get a similar feeling with Kate Middleton. She always has a natural smile and there is no hint of mean girl about her.
As Bernie Sanders showed stateside, positive and polite appeals far more than anger and aggression, when speaking to people.
Jacinda's main promise was to rebuild, not fix but rebuild, the Dunedin Hospital, and not in 10 years but in Labour's first term.
She spoke about surgeries being held-off due to rain and staff struggling with inferior and inadequate tools and conditions.
Like Sanders, she didn't doom and gloom us, she made us look to the postivity of a wonderful new hospital.