Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Sex and the City- Charlotte is my girl


I'm a Charlotte girl. The Sex and the City straight-and-narrow sweetheart knew a bloody good tailor. Even her running gear had perfect shape, no stretched out tees or bobbly cardies in her 5th Avenue closet. 

SATC alludes to her preppy persona, with a flashback showing her in a pink and green Lilly skirt. She is prissy, has Emily Post ettiqutte standards, and worries about "a tea-bag situation." Sister wears a lot of white and you better believe that it is snowy white. 

Her makeup is just right, nothing like the garish confections of 'real housewives.' Her brows are groomed but not rectangles. Her type A fussiness understands to work with the curve. 

She sells art and studied art history at university. Lisa Birnbach's True Prep, the ultimate authority on prepdom, cites study of art history (and working in a gallery/museum) as a prep career choice. 

Whilst tongue-in-cheek, it rings true to these ears. Preps appreciate aesthetics, academic study for intellectual sake, and have a thirst for history. Be it on our walls, in our closet, or around our necks- our love for history and tradition  surrounds our daily lives.