Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Old Boston in New Zealand

Marbecks Cafe & Foodstore (Dunedin) had Boston clam chowder on the menu today and I, unfortunately, did not have an appetite. The chef said that it will feature on the revised menu coming out soon. So lovely to taste such a regional specialty so far from Fenway! 

Friday, August 25, 2017

Jacinda Ardern sparkles down south

Watching Labour leader Jacinda Ardern speak, in Dunedin on yesterday, was like fireworks at New Years. 

An astute and erudite future Prime Minister, Jacinda doesn't waver in her passion and is "relentlessly positive" even when discussing thorny topics.

The diverse audience, hundreds waiting outside (Hunter Centre was chocka), joyously clapped when she spoke optimistically about solving horrible problems. 

Jacinda laughed about Annette King's attendence on her campaign trail, saying that she was like an aunty, but Annette said, jokingly, that she felt like the Queen Mother.

This is something to this.

I struck me several times, during my wait for the address, that there was a feeling in the air akin to a royal visit. 

Nobody can ignore how attractive and lovely Jacinda is. This is part of her, just another piece, but it is definitely a large aspect if her appeal.

It isn't only her winning smile or her glorious dark hair, it is that thing they called aura. She ouzes authenticity and fun. Her teeth are her tiara. 

I get a similar feeling with Kate Middleton. She always has a natural smile and there is no hint of mean girl about her. 

As Bernie Sanders showed stateside, positive and polite appeals far more than anger and aggression, when speaking to people. 

Jacinda's main promise was to rebuild, not fix but rebuild, the Dunedin Hospital, and not in 10 years but in Labour's first term. 

She spoke about surgeries being held-off due to rain and staff struggling with inferior and inadequate tools and conditions.

Like Sanders, she didn't doom and gloom us, she made us look to the postivity of a wonderful new hospital. 

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Accidentally Prep

Seen in Dunedin- One thinks this may be accidentally prep!! love the pink and green!

Saturday, May 27, 2017

LL Bean boots downunder


Duck boot sighting/shooting (!) in Dunedin!! So rare are these glimpses of Prepdom downunder that I took a sneaky photo. I really wanted to talk to wearer but that would have been a bit sad and pretty pointless really

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Sex and the City- Charlotte is my girl


I'm a Charlotte girl. The Sex and the City straight-and-narrow sweetheart knew a bloody good tailor. Even her running gear had perfect shape, no stretched out tees or bobbly cardies in her 5th Avenue closet. 

SATC alludes to her preppy persona, with a flashback showing her in a pink and green Lilly skirt. She is prissy, has Emily Post ettiqutte standards, and worries about "a tea-bag situation." Sister wears a lot of white and you better believe that it is snowy white. 

Her makeup is just right, nothing like the garish confections of 'real housewives.' Her brows are groomed but not rectangles. Her type A fussiness understands to work with the curve. 

She sells art and studied art history at university. Lisa Birnbach's True Prep, the ultimate authority on prepdom, cites study of art history (and working in a gallery/museum) as a prep career choice. 

Whilst tongue-in-cheek, it rings true to these ears. Preps appreciate aesthetics, academic study for intellectual sake, and have a thirst for history. Be it on our walls, in our closet, or around our necks- our love for history and tradition  surrounds our daily lives.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Bruce Springsteen and E Street Band- Christchurch


Bruce Springsteen at AMI Stadium (21/3/17)

The Boss was a Long Time Comin' to Christchurch but he blast into town like a Wrecking Ball. 

Despite the Garden City's quakey concerns and recent fires, Springsteen brought some rhymic relief with My City of Ruins, the city's unofficial post-quake anthem. 

An artist of God-like standing- Jon Stewart called him the musical  "birthchild of James Brown and Bob Dylan"- people come to a gig like this with very High Hopes (!). 

One of the qualities of artists like Bruce is the breadth of their catalogue. A lot of his audience come wanting three things: 

*Born in The USA

*Glory Days

*Dancing in the Dark.

It seems as if Bruce has left his audience back in the 80s and they cling to those Glory Days and refuse to catch up with his recent material. 

Springsteen's distaste for Trump saw a deliberate exclusion of Born in the USA, conspicuously missing, and I don't think fire-ravaged Christchurch would have appreciated I'm on Fire. 

I genuinely see "Born To Run" (1975, ironically too old for his general audience) and "Wrecking Ball" (far too fresh for most fans half his age) as his finest albums. 

After watching older Springsteen shows online, I really missed the late Clarence Clemons (saxaphonist ie. the most exciting bit of Born To Run) but his nephew rides that sax like Ella shatters glass. Very good fit. 


Monday, March 6, 2017

Lilly Pulitzer app

If you download the Lilly Pulitzer app you can get your photos with these gorgeous frames!! So even a Kiwi girl can get a bit of Lovely Lilly!!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Augustine- Lilly's Kiwi cousin?


If the popularity of Augustine (NZ) is anything to go by, Kiwi women would love Lilly Pulitzer!  

Kelly Coe's Auckland-based label is overtly fun, flirty, and girly!! all words associated with Lilly. 

Coe saw a gap in the NZ market for bright fun fashion and started Augustine with her husband Nathan in 2008. 

My Facebook feed is ablaze with "ISO Augustine" and the other lines under its umbrella- Stella Royal (plus size!) and Charlo (casual, versatile pieces)

We are known as a nation obsessed with black and navy fashion, as seen with Nom D and Zambesi, and visitors often comment on this! Before Augustine, the only established designer to use bright colour was Trelise Cooper but her pieces can be pricey. 


*Stolen images are Augustine from and

bottom image is Lilly Pulitzer from

Friday, February 17, 2017

"Jackie" (2016)


Just like JFK's beloved Camelot, Jackie Kennedy's life was a show, with all the salty tragedy necessary to create her  triple-strand Princess America pearls.

She wore his head on her sleeve after JFK's death, but was a secret smoker, and hid all-seeing eyes behind dark sunglasses. 

Reviewers are gushing over Natalie Portman's portrayal of Jackie but I found it to be caricature-like and too thickly frosted. 

The film's recreation of Jackie's White House tour was a highlight as it showed the artiface of her image and the great trouble she went to to appear so poised. I rewatched the original tour and, as I suspected, her speech was not as cartoonish as the reinactment suggests. 

Mica Levi's dramatic soundtrack, coupled with Portman's bold portrayal, painted this film as almost pantomine but much more watchable than the standard cookie-cutter biopic. 


(my tea towel, handed down from my Aunt)

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Preppy Polish

A classic Prep combo of pink and green, using O.P.I "Super Cute in Pink" (Hello Kitty collection) and "Green-Wich Village."

Tipsy in Madras- Let's Drink to the Green and Pink

I was pleased as punch to find this!! It is ostensibly a guide to how the seersuckered sip, but it is so much more. It is a tongue-in-cheek look into the occasions and libations of the Lilly Pulitzered lot. 
With chapters such as "Come Out Swinging: Drinks for Debs" and "To the Betamax: Preppy Movies to Drink By," authors Matt Walker and Marissa (tres Prep name) Walsh have concocted a cheeky tipple in text form. 
A gin and tonic girl- I was swept away by the Salty Dog! the scurvy-discouraging grapefruit combined with saltiness of the sea brings to mind returned sailors!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Broken-in Boaties

I was put off Sperry boat shoes at first as they 
were SO UNCOMFORTABLE but I went online and found advice on how to break them in. All you need to do, to soften them, is to soak them in warm water (a couple of hours or so) then wear them wet. Best done on a hot day as they will dry quickly. I've worn them in ice cold New York, sunny Rarotonga waters, and rainy Dunedin days. I absolutely love these blue and tan numbers- I see them as bespoke as I have moulded them to my flippers (big weird toe and all). They have holes in their soles but I can't give up on them!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

True Prep: New Zealand meets the Whole New Old World here

I decided to take a page from Lisa Birnbach's True Prep (TP) and see how it fits into this chapter of the world. The italicised passages are from the above TP excerpt. 

We wear Jandals (our word for flip flops) whilst Americans wear Jack Rogers but, like our beliefs around houses, the footwear's functions are ostensibly the same. 

We would be remiss if we didn't point out that "Home" is a bit pushy. "Welcome to our home" is uncouth. "Welcome to the house" is unpretentious.

Growing up, I referred to my domestic residence as "my house" and I also find "home" to be syrupy and sentimental unless it's Dave Dobbyn singing "Welcome Home."

We have been raised as if at scout camp: cold showers, threadbare blankets, lumpy pillows, dry toast.

As to this preppy austerity, us Kiwis are raised on "waste not want not" practicality. We perch on squeaky bunk beds at school camp, wrapped in holey woolen blankets, and participate in shared lunches where everyone "brings a plate" (bring a dish to share).

I remember borrowing my older brother's Gortex jacket for a high school ski trip. Ten sizes too big, I didn't look cool, but my parents wouldn't run to a jacket just for a one trip! 

As preppies love tradition, eveng  ugly pieces are excusable if they have been inherited or have an interesting backstory...

That Crown Lynn dinnerset may be hideous but it belonged to grandma, as did those camp stretchers and that Paua mincer (aka abalone). 

My Aunt gifted me a truly heinous cracked fountain ornament as a wedding present. It was left by my dead grandparents, and she said my grandfather bought it for my grandmother when they were courting. 

Most of my furniture came to me randomly. My desk, festooned in Warholian Sex Pistols stencilling, was left by a former flattie (housemate). It's sturdy beauty reminds me of a William Morris quote: "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful." I'm not particularly fussed about the punk pioneers but I love the divets, the cracked paint practicality of the hot pink piece. 

As preppies make more money, they can't help but be swept up in the wave of the new materialism.

In my uni days, I slept on a mattress on the floor. I now have the basics, the cake if you will, and I can finally ice it (frost) and decorate it as I wish. 

I have many fantastically frugal finds- mostly Kmart, Farmers, Nood, and Trade Aid. Kmart's homeware game is strong- the same "look" as Citta Design (a favourite of mine) bu at a fraction of the price. My Peter Alexander madras duvet (see below) is preppy perfection!! the pyjama king should do more linens.